Project info

Description :

Biedermeier Trio: Chamber music for violin, viola and guitar.


Year: 2022



Margaret Hayne Kim

Dr. Apichai Chantanakajornfung

Dr. Suppabhorn Suwanpakdee



In every culture and time period, music has always been a medium of expression that gathers people together. In Thailand, the Sadhukarn, ceremonial music from the beginning of the Rattanakosin era (1782-1851), expresses a bodily or mental salutation to heavenly spirits, inviting and uniting the minds of the people towards one shared belief.


What connections can we find between the Biedermeier period and the contemporary context of our present day? We invoke the spirit of Biedermeier culture – in its search for a simplicity and an elegance that is accessible to all – as a contrast to the turbulent global events and various turmoils of contemporary life that we face. Our concert program will begin with the Thai Sadhukarn as a prelude that dedicates the concert to a new hope for the coming days. We will then proceed with compositions by Leonard von Call (1767-1815), Wenzeslaus Matiegka (1773 – 1830), and Anton Diabelli (1781 – 1858), three quintessential composers of chamber music who lived and worked in Vienna during the Biedermeier period. By performing these works, we aim to promote a deeper understanding of the role and social function that the music of this period has been able to have in the broader musical community, both in the past and today.