Jean-David Stephane Caillouët




Nitibhon, A., Caillouët, Jean D., 2024. (In progress) “Mae Naam’ (แม่น้ำ) :River Her Stories”. GalileOasis. British Council Foundation   

“Caillouët, Jean D., 2024. “”Perspectives in Southeast Asian New Music: 1 9 5 0 – present – documenting the evolution of musical philosophies and Aesthetics

in postcolonial Southeast Asia. Biographical and historical perspectives following the career of pioneers such as Ramon Santos and Otto Sidharta””.




Caillouët, Jean D., 2024. “Innovation”  Creative Research in Music: Informed Practice, Innovation and Transcendence.        

“Caillouët, Jean D., 2024. “”The Voices of South-East Asian Soundscapes: Migrating Through Musical Boundaries””  Creative Research in Music: Informed Practice,

Innovation and Transcendence.”      

Caillouët, Jean D., 2019. “Migrating through time and Musical boundaries”  Birmingham University.         

Caillouët, Jean D., 2018. “From Music to Multimedia” Seoul University. 






Caillouët, Jean D., 2023. “ARe: Linking the River – Tokyo Waterscapes + Urban Mythologies”  Center for Philosophical Technologies, Tokyo Biennale 2023   

Caillouët, Jean D. 2023. “IBM1401 – Sound Design and music for a choreography multimedia show”       

Caillouët, Jean D. 2023. “Across Cultures, Across Media: Perspectives in Musical Collaborations” 

“Caillouët, Jean D. 2023. “”งานแสดงดนตรีเทิดพระเกียรติฉลองครบรอบ 100 ปี วันประสูติสมเด็จพระเจ้าพี่นางเธอ เจ้าฟ้ากัลยาณิวัฒนาฯ – Carnival Of the Animals – multimedia

recontextualization of the Saint Saens”””     

Caillouët, Jean D. 2022. “Paradise in Motion Trailer “

Caillouët, Jean D. 2022. “Leafcutter – Sound Design and multichannel mix to a film by Liam Morgan”, Taiwan          

Caillouët, Jean D. 2021. “TINIG-TUNOG-AN: The Life and Works of Ramon Pagayon Santos”

Caillouët, Jean D. 2021. “Motet’ Poetry, electronics & Video Art Jean-David Caillouët & Hayne Kim”. Thailand Creative & Design Center (TCDC), Bangkok   

Caillouët, Jean D., Camelin, Gabriel. 2021. “Pok Pok’ / VIDEO INSTALLATION”. IV_ID, an artist-run collective event /Soi Convent, Bangkok

Caillouët, Jean D. 2020. “Conformity Obscures Visions of Independant Desires” for chamber ensemble, Visuals and electronics”.       

Caillouët, Jean D. 2020. “Whispering Moon for Orchestra” การแสดงดนตรีไทยจีนสร้างสรรค์ฉลองความสัมพันธ์ 45 ปี ไทย-จีน “The Dawn of Spring”. โรงละครแห่งชาติ        

Caillouët, Jean D. 2020. “Collaborative piece with the violinist and poet Hayne Kim, students from Seoul National University and Sydney”.     

“Caillouët, Jean D. 2020. “”Distant Soundings”. Real-time telematic performance, Online telematic performance in collaboration with Scott Wilson

and Annie Mahtani (Birmingham), Norah Lorway (Falmouth), Cornwall, and Jake Williams (London) & Jorge Garcia (Bogotá)”        

Caillouët, Jean D. 2020. “Collective Resonance”      

Caillouët, Jean D. 2020. “Virtual Cabaret”     

Caillouët, Jean D. 2020. “Stories and Fairy Tales”     

“Feacbook. 2019. “”Music composition for The Rhythms of Life part 2: The Now and its Shadows Concert”” Effective July 29. watch/?v=1289589911217673″

“Feacbook. 2019. “”Music composition: Heroes & Villains With the Embassy of France in Bangkok andPrincess Galyani Vadhana Institute of Music Youth Orchestra

present orchestral concert entitle “”Stories and Fairy Tales “” Effective July 29. watch/?v=1289589911217673″        

Nitibhon, A., Caillouët, Jean D., 2019. “Kalpa Kāla”. BEAST Conference. University of Birmingham, UK     

“Vovworld .vn. 2019. Untitled coincidence #1 for sáo, đàn bầu,đàn tranh, video and electronic soundscapes. Effective July 22.

https://vovworld .vn/fr-ch/magazine-dimanche/jeandavid-caillouet-et-la-passion-pourla-musique-traditi onnelle-dasie-du-sudest-768 620.vov”        

Youtube. 2020. “Heart Bridge” visuals for a Chamber piece. With Dr. Kee Yong chong”.   

Caillouët, Jean D. 2019. “ASEAN SOUNDS (Multi-channel interactive sound installation)”. Electro acoustic studios, Birmingham University.       

Caillouët, Jean D. 2019. “Syama’ for viola and piano”.        

Caillouët, Jean D. 2019. “Sound of Slow Tears. with Dr. Kee Yong Chong.”  

Caillouët, Jean D. 2019. “Lettres d’Hanoï”. European Music festival Saigon Conservatory   

“Caillouët, Jean D. 2018. “”The Rhythms of Life part 1: In Search of the Four Seasons”” A performance documentary for large ensemble, video and electronics””.

European Music festival Saigon Conservatory. Princess Galyani Vadhana Institute of Music”   





เข้าร่วมการอบรมเชิงปฏิบัติการ MusiQuE Training 2024 at SEADOM Congress ระหว่างวันที่ 28 ก.พ – 7 มีนาคม 2567 ทางออนไลน์และ ณ มหาวิทยาลัยซันเวย์รัฐสลังงอร์ประเทศมาเลเซีย      

“Caillouët, Jean D., 2024. “”Across Cultures, Across Media: Perspective in Musical Collaborations International Workshop Series””  Nanjing University of the Arts

High level university peak program and Princess Galyani Vadhana Institute of Music.”